
Blog Worthy

Last Saturday, I was headed to San Francisco to see some gringo friends. On the way, I decided to stop at the feria that I used to go to during the 2 years I lived in that neighborhood. I was looking for a couple of my favorite vendors, the ones I would always talk to for Spanish practice. I found one lady and her son at their avocado stand, and while in mid-conversation, my gum fell out of my mouth and onto the ground. OOPS. I was really embarassed and they were laughing so I tried to laugh and told them how embarassed I was. I glanced around hoping no one else had seen the event, but unfortunately, more than just the three of us had witnessed my mishap. Another woman came up to us and gave me a brochure for her cosmetic services. She offered to sell me a breath spray ''so that I wouldn´t have to worry about spitting out my gum''. Haha. I kindly told her thank you and that I would think about it (which basically means no here).

When I was telling my friend Lisa this morning about my embarassing moment, she was laughing and said, ''That is blog-worthy.'' So here it is, officially on the blog.

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