
More Kids Making Me Laugh

''Miss Siscoe, I don't know how to use a Kleenex."
"What do you mean, you don't know how to use a Kleenex?"
"I mean I have never used one properly."
"How do you think you use one properly?"
"I have no clue." (exasperated sigh)

History book says: Children in the 1700s went to a dame school to get a good education.
Student reads: Children in the 1700s went to a damn school to get a good education.

"Miss Siscoe, what is this on my arm???"
"Awwww nooooo." (Student gets about-to-throw-up look on face)
"Run!! Don't get sick in here!" (me thinking I was only kidding, I had no idea what was on his arm)

"Miss Siscoe, have you noticed all the bird poop on our balcony?"
"Well I think I'm going to talk with Mr. Bob" (our principal) "about putting up signs telling the birds where they can and can't go."
"Great idea."

"Miss Siscoe, can we kidnap some more boys for our class so we have more boys than girls?"

"Miss Siscoe, I love you."

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