It all started the first day back to school after Christmas break. It was the logical time to make a New Year's Resolution as a class, and of course I, as a teacher, am thinking about better reading scores, writing a class book, or having a science fair... Guess what they decided on? A field trip.
Excellent, I thought. A field trip is a great idea. We brainstormed possibilities... everything from Chicago to China, from a volcano to an amusement park. We convened the brainstorm until the following week when all kids informed me that they wanted to go camping. Overnight. They had discussed this at lunch and recess and had made up their minds.
Alright, I thought, this will certainly be an adventure. And it was. We earned $120 from lemonade sales to pay for our food expenses, and a student's parents volunteered their mountain property as our campsite. Girls in the cabin, boys in tents. 11 kids. 6 adults. Great odds :).
I have to admit I was really nervous about being the adult responsible for the whole trip. I mean, I am only 24, and all the other adults helping were parents and grandparents... so I definitely qualified as the youngest chaperone. And my Spanish wasn't in top shape, so I had a few embarassing moments, of course, when all kids and parents were looking at me funny. Oh well, it's always a process.
So here's a look at our adventures. Hiking, water balloons, bonfire, campfire stories, etc. All the classic moments of camping (oh yeah, and the classic non-shower/smoky smell of camping too :) Sorry I couldn't pass on some smell through the Internet!)
Girls getting settled.
the inside of the cabin.
Mason, Jonathan, Gabriel proud of setting up their own tent.
the boys settling in their tent
Jacuzzi time!!! but with coooooooold water.
Mariana turning purple from the jacuzzi.
There was a trampoline behind the house. Kids were always jumping for the whole 24 hours... well, maybe not the whole 24.
Mr. Bastos helped drive for the trip... but he had to bring his work with him!
Camila was cold, so she wore her scarf and hat... such a great tica :)
Abuelita and Marcela preparing dinner by candlelight.
Abuelita and Marcela preparing dinner by candlelight.
A flashlight-guided hike down the road in the dark!!
Hiking in the pine forest.
Board games and hyper kids in the tents.
and then Gabriel found us in his tent... Hi Gabriel!!
Board games and hyper kids in the tents.
and then Gabriel found us in his tent... Hi Gabriel!!
a mini-bonfire. We roasted marshmellows and told scary stories.
Sunrise... 5am!!!
Trampoline... 6:15am!!!
Jonathan has energy... I was lucky enough to capture a second of it.
Mariana not wanting to help with breakfast dishes...
Breakfast with Mariana, Melissa, Michelle.
Playing cards.... at 6am.
The boys returning from their morning hike to the river.
Mariana, Michelle, me in front of the cabin.
Hiking about 20 minutes to a nearby village.